Growing Lettuce from Seed

I used to grow lettuce on my window sill in my flat, in the city.  When I ran out of space, I realised I needed a garden!

This year, the erratic weather has made me lazy to get going with the growing, but here are my plants, grown in ordinary seed compost.  The rain is encouraging the slug population.  The slugs are clever beasties: they slide up the inside of the mini-greenhouse and stop off at each level and feast on my plants, so I use a natural slug deterrent around the seedlings.

The pale grit is a natural slug deterrent.

If you have a problem with slugs, there is a superb list of Slug & Snail Remedies here. I definitely need to try some of these!

If you prefer to encourage natural predators, then click here for 20 Ways to Control Slugs .
