
At Half Term, we went fossil-hunting on the Norfolk coast. We had the worst wet and windy weather in Britain! The safety-glasses were so good that the kids wore them on the beach to prevent sand stinging their eyes..

Undaunted, we cracked open a few crystal geodes to get into the party started...You can buy these on the internet as kits.

Here is my fossil-hunting kit:

Safety glasses (we had 4 pairs so each child had their own), fossil hammer, chisel and book. The little silver hammer came with the geode kit.  You can buy complete kits like this, but they are expensive. I bought items separately over the internet and popped them into a rucsac so the kids could carry everything themselves...

You can get all the above on Ebay or Amazon.

Useful Links

Junior Geo  This is a really good place to start.  Junior Geo is a UK site with lots of exciting kits, books, gifts, school fundraisers and things to buy to support this hobby.

Fossilsforkids is a great (American) website for children with exciting links and historical info.

Gefossils Rock and Fossil Site   Type fossil in the search box and you will see a range of fossils, semi-precious stones and childrens' starter packs.

Must Visit Places for Fossil Hunters National Trust places and properties (indoor and out) to visit in your fossil hunt.

Geological Tool Specialist For all your equipment needs! Also sells fossils, rocks, collections and gifts.

The National History Museum Type fossil into the search box and you will be rewarded with lots of links.

Discovering Fossils - Find out about trips and see amazing fossils and videos here!

Check out these Top Ten Dinosaur Discoveries of all Time! 
Fom BBC Earth Unplugged, Palaeontologist - Steve Brusatte

Have you ever been fossil-hunting? Tell me about it below...
