On the Plot This Week...

The Blue Tits have flown! I hope they all made a safe getaway.

A Green Woodpecker has been a regular visitor this week.  He keeps pecking around the greengage tree.  I think he's looking for ants.

My bean plants are in poor shape. This is only the second time that I have had such a disaster.  The last time I grew and planted 3 successive lots of beans before they grew successfully.  That year was also very wet.

The evidence is pointing towards slugs.  I found the biggest snail I have EVER seen in my life!  It was as big as an old Victorian penny.

Do you have a problem with slugs?
Visit my favourite page for ideas to banish slugs and other slippery creatures (and no, Mr G. that doesn't include you...)


The peas are growing well and the potatoes.  My leeks are settling in too.
