On The Plot This Week!

Hello there!  I am playing catch-up on the plot as life has got in the way... Holidays and get-togethers with family and friends have kept me busy.

Why are my children be messy at home and tidy on holiday? Both pictures were taken in the same week.

Back on the plot... I've been digging up potatoes and beetroot and picking beans, blanching and freezing them. My beans did catch up as you can see in the picture.  Those on the left were planted three times and the slugs and weather took its toll.  Third time lucky for me! 

Uncle Steve's beans, after a late start, have been marvellous (he's no longer with us, but his stringless beans are).  This means I will have seed seed for next year.   I hope Steve's green runner beans will be going for years to come. 

In a blight panic, my husband dug up all our potatoes on the plot!  They look great and are stored in sacks in the garage.  I have since learnt that Sarpo Mira (below) are not only blight-resistant, but you can leave them in the ground and they should be fine.  Even if the leaves show signs of blight, the potatoes rarely get it.

My salad potatoes did well: Anya, a nutty, knobbly potato is delicious and our Arran Pilots grew into monsters!  They are my father-in-law's favourites and his father's before him, so I grew them on  their recommendation.  Good choice.

My courgettes have been poor, failing to set or rotting off.  However, I had enough to make a few pans of Courgette Soup.  Usually I have made several other family favourites by now: Gorgeous Courgette Cakes and Chocolate Courgette Muffins, but I have not had enough courgettes this year.  

I am also harvesting blackberries from our hedge, plums from the hedge next-door and damsons from our trees.  All in all these prove a nice addition to the bounty from the plot.  Now I am making stewed plums, fruit fool and enjoying fruit on my cereal. This is a good recipe for Damson Jam, but this year I will try this Damson Jelly.  I love making jam and will post some of my recipes soon...

I am waiting for squash, sweetcorn and pumpkins to ripen and have been clearing the weeds!  My plot has not looked this tidy all summer.  Notice the wire keeping the rabbits out.  Now the apples are falling off the trees, they venture in for a nibble.

 The kids are back to school this week, so we're having a last hurrah before they go....

If you enjoyed reading this post, why not check out my Pinterest Page? and explore my tutorials and recipes and gardening tips.  (click on the picture above)
