Curing Pumpkins!

Are your pumpkins still green?  Don't worry, there are things you can do to help them ripen.  Firstly, leave them out as long as you can (but keep an eye on the weather and avoid the first frosts).  The best place for them to ripen and mature is on the vine, outside in the Autumn sunshine.

If that is not possible or frost is forecast, cut your pumpkins from the vine, but leave about 10cm or 4" length on top for a handle.

Here are my pumpkins, struggling to turn.

Wipe clean your pumpkins and wash in solution of bleach (1 part water to 10 parts bleach).  This disinfects them and helps to prevent mould and rot setting in. See below.

When dry, pop them in a warm sunny place: a window or porch for a couple of weeks to harden them off and turn them orange.  Rotate the pumpkins to get an even colour.

Now, fingers crossed they turn in time for Halloween!  If they don't, I will use them for cooking over the next few weeks.  See our favourite recipes below...

I hope this is helpful.  
Thank you for stopping by.  Happy Halloween :)

Here are some Pumpkin links from my Pinterest Board

More on Harvesting and Storing Pumpkins and Winter Squash.

The Weekend Gardener's Tips on Saving Pumpkin Seeds and How to Turn Green Pumpkins Orange

Old Fashioned Soft Pumpkin Cookies This recipe makes 36 cookies. They are more of a bun than a cookie and keep well.

Click here for Slow Cooker Creamy Pumpkin Chicken.

Thai Pumpkin Chicken Curry or Pumpkin Brownies Recipes from the Irish Examiner.

Visit my Kids Pinterest Board for Pumpkin Crafts for Children.
