This Week on the Plot!

We have now harvested the main crop of apples: Bramley cookers and Honey Crisp eaters  and they have gone into store, in boxes in my garage.  In the next few months I will stew and freeze some for later use, make jam and eat them fresh.  

I chose late-maturing apple trees.  The fruit should keep well into Winter and maybe into Spring.  For more tips on storing apples, read Storing and Keeping Apples by Orange Pippin, fruit tree specialists.

We are still eating patty pan and courgettes (which are lovely fried with lemon and garlic or turned into soup) and sweetcorn and beetroot (baby beetroot are great roasted).  Their days are numbered though...

This is the  our favourite beetroot recipe!  It may look like just another cake, but this Beetroot Brownie is the best and River Cottage take the glory for their awesome recipe. I have been baking, eating, freezing and eating some more!

 It never fails to deliver a soft gooey filling and a velvety chocolate hit. I give portions to friends as a Thank You, with strict instruction to heat each portion up in the microwave for 30 seconds.  It is delicious cold, but sublime, when hot.  Try it: you won't be disappointed...

Thanks for stopping by today!  If you have a special Brownie Recipe you would like to share with us please comment below...
