Still Eating Pumpkins?

I still have two home-grown pumpkins.  Usually I roast them, but I wanted to try slow-cooking them in the crock pot.  On the face of it, this looks easier: you chop them up and throw the pieces in the pot to cook in a bit of water.  I followed The Happy Housewife's Tutorial, with great results.

I washed  and chopped 2 small pumpkins (removing the seeds and saving them to roast). I put the pumpkin into the crock with about an inch of water across the bottom.  Mine is a large crock and took both pumpkins, but if you have a small one, you will need to adjust it accordingly.

I saved the seeds to roast later (How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds by Allrecipes). I tried this before and failed, but this time it worked a treat and I am a total convert! 

The pumpkin took 6 hours to cook on medium setting.  When the flesh was soft, I scooped it out, pureed it and stored it in freezer boxes. (they made about 5 cups of puree).  The Happy Housewife suggests including the skin for the fibre, but I found it a bit grainy.  Try it and see...

Frozen puree is great for making soup or buns, another day...

Thanks for stopping by :)

Cooking Pumpkin in the Crock Pot - The Happy Housewife's Tutorial and recipes.
How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds  by Allrecipes.
12 Perfect Pumpkin Dishes  Collection by BBC Good Food.
Easy Pumpkin Soup! Tutorial from an earlier blog post...
Old-Fashioned Soft Pumpkin Cookies - soft cinnamon buns, adored by my kids.
