This Week in the Kitchen and Down the Gym!

Hello there!  I am finally well enough to return to spinning at the gym.  Staff are friendly, which made it easier when you're on your own. Spin classes give a fantastic work-out, so I am glad to be back. By the time you read this (fingers crossed!) I will have done a few circuits around the park, too. That's my resolution: to get fit.  How are your resolutions doing?

This week in the kitchen I've been using up my home-grown fruit and veg (potatoes, pumpkins and cooking apples) stored in my garage.

Sarpo Mira Potatoes

Bramley Cooking Apple

I made a Shepherd's Pie and Apple Crumble for my brother's family, using up apples and potatoes. (See links for similar recipes).  They have just had another baby, so need all the help they can get.  I remember my Mum doing this for me and it is lovely to have one less thing to worry about.  If it means I get a hug from my big niece and a cuddle with the baby then I will be very happy!

Look at Mr G, weeding in the veg plot, last Spring :) 

Thank you for reading this post.
