Exercise, Pumpkins, Buzzards and Laundry!

Unfortunately, I've not exercised much (at all!) this week.  I'm not giving up my resolution, though. We all have set-backs and how you deal with them is the key to your success.  I've had the antibiotics (twice now) and hope to walk tomorrow.  Next week I plan to be back at the gym, so watch this space.

I made some Easy Pumpkin Soup.  An old friend and work colleague came over to visit, so we had it for lunch with crusty bread.  This soup is an ideal Winter warmer...Follow my link and try the recipe!

Today I spotted a buzzard, but he's far too quick for me to photograph... so I took this pic instead. My youngest has homework club, after school today, and she loves to change into her PJ's, jump into bed with a book and chill out when she gets home.  I haven't seen her all night and she took herself off to bed EARLY!  Note to self: change the sheet more often...

Loving the fresh laundry, Floppy?

Good, now I'm off to get my walking gear ready as there's frost forcast tomorrow ...
Bye for now and see you soon :)

Try my Cook Board on Pinterest for more foodie Links.
