How do You Make Orchids Flower Again?

My first orchid flowered non-stop for six months!  It was amazing.

It stopped flowering about five months ago. I kept it it fed and watered, out of direct light, in the bathroom. New buds have grown on secondary spikes and it is flowering again.   My second plants died, so I have some way to go, but I am learning.

Enjoy your houseplants and thank you for reading this post!
For tips from the experts, see the links below...

New flower!
Getting Moth Orchids to Bloom Again - Tips and You-Tube Video
After Orchid Flowers Fall... What to do next, by the Orchid Care Blog.
Orchids: Indoor Cultivation - RHS detailed information and links.
Now I have This Plant What do I do With It? - The American Orchid Society.
Have You Been Given an Orchid? - My first post as a new orchid owner!
