Up at the Hospital and Down on the Patch!

At Easter, my Father-in-Law had a serious accident and for a moment, our world stopped. Thankfully, he is on the mend and I have been baking scones and Simnel Buns to keep us all going!  I've taken them to hospital and round to my Mum-in-Law's to share them over a cup of tea.

Down on the plot, I have been busy.  The potatoes are growing well and I'm earthing them up.  The carrot, beetroot and parsnip seeds are coming through now and my onion sets are in, too.

I have sown lots of wildflower seeds along with the vegetables!

The bees love the Hawthorn blossom in our hedges.  

 I've hung the apple and plum traps on the fruit trees to avoid moth damage.  The crab apples are setting and the Codling 's blossom has been absolutely fabulous (maybe it heard me considering
chopping it down, earlier in the year?!)

We weeded the fruit bushes, covered them in fresh bark and netted the fruit. I have dug up my last kale plants and the leeks.  Kale Crisps have become popular on the snack menu and by the time you read this, those leeks will have been transformed into leek and potato soup...

The seedlings are growing well in the mini-greenhouse: beans, peas, tomatoes squash, cucumber and kale.. to name a few.  Now, they are ready to pot on and some are ready to plant out.

Thank you for dropping by.  Have a lovely day!
